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  • Our picks

    • Summer Event 2024
      Summer event has started!
      Every Summer item except Zanbacon drops exclusively on Ultimate.
       Low tier Items 
      +75 EVP
      Gulgus-gue (E1): Greenill Skyly Purplenum Oran Yellowboze
      Satellite Lizard: Viridia Bluefull Pinkal Redria Whitill
      +125 TP
      Pan Arms (E2): Viridia Greenill Bluefull Purplenum Yellowboze
      Goran: Skyly Pinkal Redria Oran Whitill
      +5 technique levels (cannot exceed class limit)
      Nano Dragon: Viridia Bluefull Pinkal Redria Yellowboze
      Deldepth: Greenill Skyly Purplenum Oran Whitill
      Trap Search
      Makes traps visible (for non Casts)
      Baranz (E1): Bluefull Pinkal Redria Oran Whitill
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    • Easter Event has started
       Event drops 
      Centurion/Luck - 60 LCK Centurion/Body - 75 DFP Centurion/HP - 125 HP Godric's Cloak - Fomar exclusive armor which boosts Gibarta Gifoie Rabarta and all stats Sue's Coat - Strong armor for female hunters which boosts the range of Shifta Deband Resta and ATP Kroe's Sweater - Strong armor for females which boosts ATA Samurai Armor - Strong armor which boosts LCK and RA techniques Soul Booster - Use this item on Excalibur to make Hundred Souls Girasole - Can be combined with Chromatic Orb to make Inferno Girasole Virus Shield: Vol Opt - Shield that boosts GI techniques and ATA
      Fury of the Beast - Powerful daggers with charge special for all classes
      Kiss of Death - Slicer with hell special for all classes

      Water Gun - Rifle for all classes, a special can be added for 10 donation tickets
      Proof of Sonic Team* Harmonic Resonance Core* Stellar Shard*  

       Egg Rappy drops 
      All difficulty Easter Eggs
      Sonic Knuckle
      Huge Battle Fan
      Wok of Akiko's Shop
      Rocket Punch
      Drill Launcher
      Rabbit Wand
      Marina's Bag
      Panther's Claw
      Amore Rose
      Hard/very hard/ultimate Easter Eggs
      Parts of Egg Blaster
      Very hard/ultimate Easter Eggs
      Ashura Mag Cell
      Ultimate Easter Eggs
      Game Magazine
      Commander Blade
      Item Ticket

       Easter combinations 
      *Proof of Sonic Team combinations
      Spread Needle => Arrest Needle

      Dark Bridge => Psycho Bridge

      *Harmonic Resonance Core combinations
      Samba Maracas => Samba's Fiesta

      Egg Blaster => Egg Blaster MK2

      Tension Blaster => Morolian Blaster


      *Stellar Shard combinations
      Twinkle Star => Quasar Staff

      Guilty Light => Outlaw Star

      Mille Marteaux => Mille Faucilles

      Brightness Circle => Neutron Skin
      XP x5 enabled for event duration
      Green Name will turn on in April
      Event ends on April 21st of 2024
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    • Meseta major update / The Value of Money II
      A couple changes have been applied so that players can acquire meseta more easily by their own means.
      New characters now start with 15,000 meseta in their inventory (instead of 300)
      New accounts now start with 50,000 meseta in the shared bank (instead of 0).
      The limit of Meseta you can store in every bank was increased from 999,999 to 9,999,999.
       Inventory limit remains unchanged.
       All meseta drops values have been increased.
      This applies to every episode (I, II and IV).
      Their frequency is the same (which means meseta won't drop more often).
      Normal: +250 to +500
      Hard: +500 to +1000
      V.hard: +750 to +1500
      Ultimate: +1000 to +2000
      Normal: +300 to +600
      Hard: +600 to +1200
      V.hard: +900 to +1800
      Ultimate: +1200 to +2400
      Normal: +2000
      Hard: +4000
      V.hard: +6000
      Ultimate: +8000

      Viridia Bartles used to drop between 90 and 110 meseta.
      They will now drop between 1290 and 2510 meseta.
      A new quest where everyone can farm meseta is available.
      It is located in Episode 1 > One Person > Special Meseta > The Value of Money 2
      After you helped a couple by telling Gizel to stop wasting their money for weapons in The Value of Money, the latter would like to thank you for the savings you had them achieve.
      Quest reward is the same for all difficulties: 150,000 meseta.
        • Thanks
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    • TRIFORCE EVENT 2023 
      The 11th Triforce Event of Ultima has just begun

      Returning Items
       Hylian Shield 
      Gal Gryphon
       Ganondorf Shield 

       Master Sword 
      Dark Falz |  Olga Flow | Shambertin
          |  |        
      Dark Gunner 
       Power Glove 
      Baranz (E2)

      Gi Gue

       Great Fairy Sword 
      Olga Flow

      Merissa A


      Barba Ray
      Del Lily
      Normal Booma
      All IDs (1/208050)
       Magic Hammer 
      Deldepth (Very Hard and Ultimate)
      All IDs
       Sacred Bow 
      Delsaber (E1) - All IDs
      Kondrieu - Viridia Greenill Bluefull Purplenum Pinkal Oran Yellowboze Whitill
       Stealth Sword 
      Sinow Berill - Skyly Purplenum
      Sinow Spigell - Greenill
      Normal Garanz (E1) - All IDs (1/9362)
      *Ultimate difficulty drops when not specified
      Fire Rod 
      Bug-Catching Net  
      Zelda Magazine
      Green Names (rare monster rates buff) and Experience X5 will be activated soon.

      Event will end around 27th of October, 2023

      Good Luck
        • Haha
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    • For a long time, Yellowboze had an unfair bias to get hit% more often than any other section ID in episode II.
      Today, the chances of rolling hit% have been adjusted to be equal for all section IDs.
      The following changes only apply to Episode II weapon drops on Ultimate, and is about odds that said weapon rolls hit attribute.
      It does not affect the actual values you will get.

      Viridia 2.97% => 5.88% Greenill 2.97% => 5.88% Skyly 2.97% => 5.88% Bluefull 2.97% => 5.88% Purplenum 2.97% => 5.88% Pinkal 2.97% => 5.88% Redria 2.97% => 5.88% Oran 2.97% => 5.88% Yellowboze 8.73% => 5.88% Whitill 2.97% => 5.88%
        • Confused
        • Thanks
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      • 4 replies
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    • 1 Vjaya [0/0/0/35|35] - 10 PD 2 Vjaya [0/30/0/0|35] - 8 PD 3 Raygun +15 [30/0/0/0|60] [Hell] - 10 PD 4 Vulcan [0/0/0/0|50] [Demon's] - 10 PD 5 Vulcan [0/0/0/0|50] [Berserk] - 10 PD 6 M&A60 Vise +9 [0/0/0/25|85] - 500 PD / 50 DT 7 Crush Bullet [0/0/0/0|35] - 15 PD 8 Rod [35/0/35/0|75] - 30 PD / 3 DT 9 Valkyrie [0/0/0/0|75] - 15 PD 10 Spread Needle [0/0/45/0|40] - 60 PD  / 6 DT 11 Spread Needle [0/0/0/45|35] - 60 PD / 6 DT 12 Arrest Needle +60 [0/40/0/35|40] - 120 PD / 12 DT 13 Holy Ray [30/0/0/40|75] - 20 PD / 2 DT 14 Rambling May [0/0/45/0|45] - 20 PD / 2 DT 15 L&K38 Combat [0/0/35/0|35] - 20 PD / 2 DT 16 Sacred Bow [0/0/0/40|25] - 70 PD / 7 DT 17 Sacred Bow [0/0/0/45|35] - 140 PD / 14 DT 18 Monkey King Bar [0/0/20/0|40] - 40 PD / 5 DT 19 Red Sword +52 [0/0/0/0|55] - 85 PD / 9 DT 20 Red Sword [0/0/0/0|65] - 140 PD / 14 DT 21 Master Raven [0/0/0/40|35] - 1 PS / 10 DT 22 Master Raven [0/0/0/35|35] - 1 PS / 10 DT 23 Master Raven [30/0/0/0|35] - 1 PS / 10 DT 24 Master Raven +9 [0/0/40/0|40] - 120 PD / 12 DT 25 Last Swan [0/0/0/25|35] - 20 PD / 2 DT 26 Last Swan [40/0/0/0|40] - 25 PD / 3 DT 27 Last Swan [0/0/35/45|35] - 30 PD / 4DT 28 Last Swan [0/15/0/0|15] [Untekked] - 10 PD  29 Frozen Shooter [0/35/0/0|45] - 10 PD 30 Samba Maracas [0/0/0/0|20] - 30 PD 31 Evil Curst [0/0/0/0|80] - 60 PD / 6 DT 32 Twin Blaze +5 [0/30/0/30|0] [Untekked] - 5 PD 33 Yasminkov 9000M [0/0/0/0|30] - 1 PS / 10 DT 34 Yasminkov 9000M [0/0/0/0|30] - 1 PS / 10 DT 35 Slicer of Fanatic [30/0/30/0|55] - 45 PD / 5 DT 36 Slicer of Fanatic [40/30/0/0|55] - 45 PD / 5 DT 37 Slicer of Fanatic [30/0/0/35|55] - 45 PD / 5 DT 38 Excalibur [0/40/0/0|0] - 10 PD 39 Excalibur [0/0/35/0|0] - 10 PD 40 Le Cogneur [0/0/65/0|75] - 25 PD / 3 DT 41 TypeDS/D.Saber [0/0/0/0|45] [King's]  - 40 PD / 5 DT 42 TypeME/Mechgun [0/0/0/0|0] - 1 PS / 10 DT 43 TypeSH/Shot [99/0/0/0|0] [Hell] - 1 PS / 10 DT 44 TypeSH/Shot [0/67/0/0|0] [Gush] - 20 PD  45 Epsiguard [DEF: 0/EVP: 0] - 25 PD 46 Megid Lv: 29 - 20 PD / 2 DT 47 Megid Lv: 29 - 20 PD / 2 DT 48 Grants Lv: 30 - 50 PD / 5 DT 49 Grants Lv: 30 - 50 PD / 5 DT 50 Grants Lv: 30 - 50 PD / 5 DT 51 Power Material x47 52 Mind Material x99 53 HP Material x81 54 Luck Material x63 - 1 : 1 PD 55 Bringer's Right Arm x8  - 3 PD each 56 S-Red's Arms x12 - 10 PD each 57 Blue-Black Stone x15 - 20 PD / 2 DT each 58 Magic Rock "Heart Key" x2 - 25 PD / 3 DT each 59 Photon Booster x2 - 20 PD / 2 DT each  60 Psycho Black Crystal x2 - 150 PD / 15 DT each 61 Frozen Booster x2 - 50 PD / 6 DT each 62 Halo Rappy Soul x57 - 5 PD each 63 Harmonic Resonance Core - 60 PD / 6 DT 64 Dragon Scale - 5 PD 65 D-Photon Core - 25 DT 66 Love Rappy's Beak x10 - 3 PD each
    • Name a reasonable price
    • how much u buying 1 for  with hit 50 ????
    • Is the 25H Banana Cannon still available?
    • My dumb ass accidentally sold my own while a little inebriated. 
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