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Ultima GM
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R-78 last won the day on March 11

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About R-78

  • Rank
    Red Ring Rico
  • Birthday 02/17/1995

In-Game Information

  • Hunter's Name
    Shiida Veroelko Lureira Majikaja Bambietta Laevatein Verendis Ariadora Aldrion Repelista etc
  • Guildcard
    42154310 42156269 42157451 42170508 42200081 42181434 42191313..

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  1. Banners have been added for the following items: Zero Divide Izmaela Raikiri Laconium Axe Mercurius Rod Adept Heavenly/Resist Like other items, they only trigger a banner upon picking up as enemy drops, i.e Shambertin 1/102 for all 7. No banner as quest rewards, unsealing or opening eggs.
  2. I did work on Gallon's shop in 2021 to allow hit addition via Photon spheres, but it requires server side code changes (and more security checks to prevent cheating) and @Larva never got back to me when I asked.
  3. R-78

    New Year's Cards 2025

    Last month to redeem all your New Year Cards (2025, 2024 and before). Make sure to redeem all of them, they won't be usable anymore after March. If you have trouble finding a GM to redeem them, send us a PM with the accounts guildcard numbers on which you have the cards stored by then, and make sure they never move from said accounts. 65
  4. I believe Lemon wanted to make it all colors but couldn't find how to create a non red mag via quest scripting.
  5. @KayMasters 1/600ish
  6. One now. Thank you for your contribution
  7. That could be nice but a hassle to implement Sorry they'll have to deal with Dual Bird, I don't like to totally outclass already existing items I would love that as well, but yeah, probably too much work for @Soly sadly...
  8. Valentine's Event 2025 is now Active Returning Items Last Swan : combine this with Master Raven to make Dual Bird. Angel Harp : receive the power of love. Rambling May : a unique weapon for women that hits twice per shot. Rianov 303SNR series : numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4. Bamboo Spear : pretty sure you will like the sound of this bamboo spear. Butterfly Net : how many butterflies can you catch? Great Bouquet : make sure to give your sweetheart a nice one! Amore Rose : show everyone how much you love your partner. Dress Plate : this armor for men is usable at level 1 and its 70 EDK will make sure megid becomes a distant memory for you. Heavenly/TP : +100 TP Genpei : a shield which look depends on your section ID. Master Raven : combine this with a Psycho Black Crystal to make Psycho Raven. Dark Bringer (ultimate) - purplenum yellowboze Sinow Zoa (ultimate) - skyly bluefull pinkal Girtablulu (ultimate) - viridia greenill skyly Magic Rock Heart Key : no longer waste 50 PDs with Paganini to get those. Crimson Assassin 1 (ultimate) - viridia purplenum Baranz 2 (ultimate) - purplenum pinkal redria yellowboze whitill Photon Booster : same thing. Dark Bringer (ultimate) - viridia whitill Baranz 2 (ultimate) - viridia greenill skyly bluefull oran Girtablulu (ultimate) - bluefull pinkal Blue Black Stone : make one of the Ultima exclusive combinations* Grand Sorcerer 1 (ultimate) - viridia yellowboze Delbiter (ultimate) - viridia greenill bluefull pinkal yellowboze Girtablulu (ultimate) - purplenum redria oran Love Rappy's Beak : use this on any non rare lvl 50 mag to make a Love Rappy Love Rappy (very hard/ultimate) - all IDs Grass Assassin 1 (very hard) - viridia skyly bluefull pinkal whitill Crimson Assassin 1 (ultimate) - skyly bluefull pinkal Zu (very hard) - skyly pinkal redria oran yellowboze Zu (ultimate) - pinkal redria oran yellowboze Union Guard : a shield that displays your team flag. Dark Falz (Normal) - All IDs (drop rate increased from 1/79 to 1/11) Love Rappy Charged photon blast trigger: Invincibility* 10% HP trigger: Invincibility Boss area trigger: Invincibility* Solo mode death trigger: Reverser Activation Rate*: 50% *Increases with positive synchro Blue Black Stone Combinations Bloody Art => Blood Tornado Type: Dagger ATP: 550 - 600 ATA: 70 Grind: 33 Special: Demon Usable by all classes Crush Bullet => Crush Cannon Type: Shot ATP: 100 - 200 ATA: 50 EVP: -30 Grind: 25 Special: Gush Usable by all classes Dragon Slayer => Sil Dragon Slayer Type: Sword ATP: 600 - 650 ATA: 70 EVP: -15 Grind: 35 Special: Blizzard Usable by all classes Main Event Drops SLICER OF VENGEANCE Type: Slicer ATP: 470 - 525 MST: 20 ATA: 30 EVP: 25 Special: Charge Usable by all classes Dark Bringer (ultimate) - greenill skyly oran Sinow Zoa (ultimate) - redria yellowboze whitill Astark (ultimate) - bluefull purplenum pinkal GLIDE DIVINE V.00 Type: Rod ATP: 185 - 550 MST: 55 ATA: 34 DFP: 80 EVP: 100 RES: 15 EDK, EIC, ETH, EDK, ELT Special attack: Anti level 3 Special use: can restore TP and reduce HP to 1 when equipped for 10 consecutive minutes Foie: +200% power Barta: +100% power Zonde: +100% power Combo unlocked Usable by all Forces Gran Sorcerer 1 (ultimate) - purplenum whitill Dolmdarl (ultimate) - skyly bluefull pinkal Astark (ultimate) - viridia greenill redria oran yellowboze RICO'S PARASOL Type: Partisan ATP: 250 - 300 ATA: 40 Special: Charge Shifta: +100% range Deband: +100% range Resta: +100% range Usable by all male characters Crimson Assassin 1 (ultimate) - yellowboze whitill Delbiter (ultimate) - skyly purplenum redria oran whitill Pyro Goran (ultimate) - viridia greenill bluefull pinkal redria LINDCRAY Type: Rifle ATP: 800 - 1200 MST: 35 ATA: 75 DFP: 20 Special: Spirit Resta: +100% range Anti: +100% range Usable by all Forces and Hunewearl Dark Bringer (ultimate) - bluefull pinkal redria Sinow Zoa (ultimate) - viridia greenill purplenum oran Girtablulu (ultimate) - yellowboze whitill Event ends on March 9th, 2025
  9. Heather, we helped you recover your items countless times, but honestly I don't know what you expect from us here. You ignored my warning in your other thread and still traded your DF again to Vegetable for 150 dts + some other items 6 months after that post. How exactly can you even expect the DF to be returned now, especially after you literally depleted all the dts you got from the trade? ...
  10. 1 photon drop box in each part and meseta second part. You're welcome.
  11. I haven't seen anyone posting stuff on your "forum pages" since 2016? If you really want, feel free to just make another account and never use that one again.
  12. Are you sure it was all on this account and you didn't lend it or its stuff to anyone? If so, feel free to ask help from Soly with an approximate date of when you've last seen those items.
  13. R-78

    New Year's Cards 2025

    That I cant tell. But at least I can say that I did change PGF drop rate this year. It was made ~10% easier than what it was previous years.
  14. Redeem? ❤️

    1. R-78


      Sorry I'm not active on forums anymore.

      Please message Fyrewolf5 or Protoss if you need to request a redeem via the forums.

    2. Ricardof14
    3. Sergio2kx


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